• Land Surveying
• Boundary Surveys
• Plot Plans
• Site Plans
• Land Variance
• Boundary Disputes
• Subdivisions
• Septic Design
• Lot Line Stake-outs
• Flood (FEMA) Certifications
• Condominium Conversions
• Shoreland Permits
Septic Designs
NH Residential & Commercial Land Surveying and Septic System Services
Topographic Survey, GPS Survey, As Built Survey

As Built Survey & Engineering Survey Services

Licensed NH As Built SurveyorWhen you want to begin construction or build an addition, chances are you'll need your land surveyed. The surveying services you will need may differ depending on the intentions you have for the land, but regardless of the size of your building project — S&H Land Services can help.

The Plot Plan: A Plot Plan is the first step in the building process. We survey your property to resolve your boundary lines, show your existing structures and add the location of your proposed addition or new building. This is required by most Towns in NH and requires that it be stamped by a licensed Land Surveyor.

The As Built Survey: This is step two. The as built survey is performed to locate the structure once the footing or foundation is poured. The location is then added to the plan and certified by the licensed Land Surveyor as to whether or not it complies with the current zoning requirements of the Town.

New Hampshire Commercial Surveyors

The ALTA Survey (American Land Title Association): Whenever there's a commercial real estate transaction, most lenders require an ALTA survey, a nationally standardized survey that accounts for everything on the property, as well as a written deed description. The ALTA survey is a very detailed survey, generally reserved for commercial property to ensure a lender knows precisely what they are buying.

More about Certified Plot Plans from S&H Land Services

When you'd like to obtain a permit for an addition such as a deck, shed, or pool—a certified plot plan is required by most cities and towns. This plot plan must be created by a state registered licensed land surveyor—such as S&H Land Services.

NH Residential Land Surveying, New Hampshire Commercial Land Surveying, Septic System ServicesThe certified plot plan provides the building inspector with all the necessary information about your property, including boundary lines, total lot size, and any existing structures on the property.

Not only will we provide accurate surveys, but we will work closely with state and local inspectors to both ensure accuracy and help facilitate the approval process.

Learn More about As Built Surveys from S&H Land Services

In conjunction with a plot plan, the as built survey is completed after an addition is built to ensure that it complies with current zoning requirements.

Do you need an as built survey completed or would you like more information? To learn more please don't hesitate to contact us.